So many mixers!

Today we're releasing six new modules all centered around mixing signals in various ways. The journey towards these modules started back when I use to actually perform using my Macke mixer and I always wanted more stereo channels. I always found it limiting that a couple channels had stereo and all the others were mono. Now that I get to design stuff, I set out to create a stereo first mixer, that can also be a great mono mixer.
Bartender - The centerpiece of the whole system. Four stereo channels, with two stereo aux send and two stereo returns. Each channel can be used in a mono mode where both channels are mixed. If you want to do eight channels of mono, you can put the channels in stereo mode (I know it feels backwards) and then use the pan control to control the crossfade between each channel, and then take the mono output. There is a built in cueing system so you can monitor channels in your headphones and control the blend with the main output. You can expand a Bartender with both a Barback and/or another Bartender. When connecting two Bartenders, the main level control on the 'expander' Bartender acts as a group control.
Barback - A two channel expander for Bartender. They can be cascaded, so you can add as many as you like, but we've only tested up to 16 channels.
SendVCA - An expander for Bartender and Barback that gives you voltage control over the level of your sends. It is one VC input per channel (so no stereo control). It control up to eight channels. Do note that we did find some compatibility issues with some racks where the cable connectors interfere with proper mounting.
Mingles - A standalone module that can be connected via pin headers into Barback or Bartender (so you don't use a channel up). It's a dual 3-channel panning mixer, with a built in LFO. So you get two different mixes of three channels each, that each have their own outputs, and there is a main output that mixes it all together. This is the brainchild of Brian and Robots Are Red.
Cast Iron - A standalone module that also can be connected via pin headers. It's a dead simple panner with voltage control over pan and level. Nothing fancy here.
USB-2CH - A simple interface to record and playback audio over USB. This is based on the PCM2904 chipset so you get 16-bit @ 48kHz and fully class compliant with USB1.1. So probably not the best choice if you're scoring a major motion picture, but good enough to record most jam sessions. Pair it with an on-the-go cable and your recording and playing back from your phone.